Shopper marketing blog

Navigating UK Law: The Dos and Don'ts of Product Reviews

Posted by Paul on Jul 18, 2024 8:32:11 AM

Product reviews play a significant role in helping potential customers make informed decisions about purchasing a product or service. In the UK, specific laws and legislation regulate product reviews and testimonials. Businesses must understand and comply with these laws to avoid legal consequences and maintain customers' trust in reviews and review sites:

  1. Prohibition of Fake Reviews: Under UK law, businesses are prohibited from pretending to be customers and writing reviews about their products or other businesses' products. Commissioning third parties to write fake reviews is also considered illegal, and businesses may be liable for their actions.

  2. Transparency and Inducements: Offering inducements, such as money or gifts, to customers in exchange for positive reviews is against the law. Review transparency is essential, and any payments provided for reviews must be disclosed to the reader to ensure they are aware of potential bias.

  3. Compliance Requirements: Businesses should not pretend to be customers and write reviews, commission third parties for fake reviews, or offer inducements for positive reviews. Businesses can maintain consumer trust and contribute to a fair and transparent online marketplace​​​​by complying with these requirements.

See the full article for more, including the vital Do's and Don'ts:


NB This article has been written with best efforts based on current (16/07/24) publically available information. It is not intended as legal advice or to be relied upon in any way. For advice or questions, consult a specialist lawyer.

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Topics: Grocery, FMCG, Rating and Reviews

Do shoppers read the Amazon AI Product Reviews Summaries?

Posted by Paul and Freddie on Jun 24, 2024 8:09:58 AM

The recent meteoric rise of artificial intelligence (AI) models is revolutionising how we interact with computers and access information online. But has AI made a significant difference in ratings and reviews, and is it what shoppers want?

Amazon has rolled out generative AI to create succinct product-level summaries of reviews for many of its products to support shoppers' decision-making process. Several clients have asked us to explore how this has impacted a shopper’s experience when using Amazon and understand how these features are perceived compared to ‘traditional’ ratings and reviews.

To do this, we created a study to research how regular Amazon shoppers use the site. The study simulates the shopping process for a selection of grocery category products. 

We received over 2500 responses, and our key findings challenge the notion that AI automatically benefits users.

The 4 key takeaways are:

  1. Individual Ratings and reviews are as important as ever
  2. Shoppers don't hang around when shopping for groceries on Amazon
  3. Amazon's AI features are hardly used or even noticed
  4. There is little evidence of AI improving the shopping experience, but the generations split opinion
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Topics: Grocery, FMCG, Rating and Reviews, ecommerce, CPG, Shopper Insights, Amazon, Insights

How to get your NPD into grocery shopper’s homes…

Posted by Paul on Feb 15, 2024 2:15:00 PM

The 3Ps of Supermarket Shopper Marketing

When launching your long-planned and lovingly-developed grocery NPD into supermarkets, it’s critical that it appeals to and is tried by the target consumers. Getting it into the hands, baskets and homes of the right grocery shoppers can be a daunting task, but here’s what you need to remember and how to go about it.


Supermarket shoppers are the key to NPD success as they are the ones who actually pick the product off the shelves and take it home, regardless of whether they, or someone else in their household is the end consumer. This is the crux of  Shopper Marketing and understanding the art  of getting shoppers to Pause, Pick up & Pay for your product is known as the 3 Ps of shopper marketing.

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Topics: Supermarket, Grocery, FMCG, NPD

New Year, New Products? Get off to the best start by utilising reviews

Posted by Paul on Dec 13, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Launching new products in the New Year can be quite an adventure, it's no secret that the road to success for any NPD is filled with many bumps and mostly arrives at a dead end. As reported by Harvard Business Review, a staggering 90% of new products face failure within their first year, despite the substantial investments by FMCG manufacturers in R&D, marketing, and advertising.

To help your new products have the best possible start in the New Year, we'll explain the crucial role of consumer reviews. Here are four compelling reasons why securing a good number of consumer reviews as early as possible is essential for the success of your new offerings.

PS For even more on why reviews are critical for NPD, see our post 10 Reasons why Shopper Reviews are vital for Successful New Products.

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Topics: Supermarket, Grocery, FMCG, NPD, Shopper Marketing

The Top 10 Ways Cashback Apps Help Grocery Brands

Posted by Paul on Nov 3, 2023 12:11:00 PM

In 2018 we conducted research that showed 65% of our members look at our app when they are planning their food shopping, and 35% while they shop in the supermarket*. It is clear that grocery cashback apps are an excellent route to deliver shopper marketing goals (we have more on the whole Shopper Marketing approach here)

For example, we can use Geo targeting to serve brand advertising right onto consumers mobile devices at the first moment of truth, but the power of these apps goes a lot further than simply helping to raise brand awareness.

Based on our experience as Europe's No.1 grocery cashback organisation, here are the top 10 ways you can start using these apps to your advantage today:


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Topics: Supermarket, Grocery, Coupon, FMCG, marketing, mobile phone

The impact of Ratings and Reviews on sell-through rate - webinar

Posted by Paul on Sep 21, 2023 12:14:00 PM

Join Andrew Pearl VP Strategy and Insight EMEA at eCommerce performance analytics company Profitero and Paul Lees our Group Managing Director at CheckoutSmart, as they discuss fascinating original research on grocery ratings and reviews.

This study was specifically undertaken in the UK amongst over 3,700 online grocery shoppers to support the understanding of FMCG leaders and eCommerce teams, by answering their questions:

  • Do online grocery shoppers really bother reading online supermarket reviews?
  • Do they read reviews in our category/sub-category?
  • What elements are more or less important in a product review?
  • What makes a good online product review from a grocery shopper perspective

If you would like a copy of the full 22 page report with all 72 subcategories plus the "6 Golden rules of ratings & reviews" go here

Alternatively if you would like me to talk you through the results and the actions any brand should take as a result then I would be more than happy to do so. Simply use the Contact us form and I or one of the team will come back to you. 

We can help you increase genuine ratings and reviews across all the major grocery retailers (including ASDA, Tesco, Morrisons, Sainsburys, Waitrose and Ocado in the UK) but Also Boots, Superdrug, Iceland and Holland & Barrett. In fact anywhere you find ratings and reviews posted onto online sites by shoppers, we should be able to help you. Whether that it in the UK, Spain, Canada or the US. 

We can work with all sizes of organisation, from ones with a few SKUs to ones with hundreds, each one gets our full attention and guaranteed delivery of at last 30 unique and genuine reviews in each reailer.

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Topics: Grocery, FMCG, Rating and Reviews, Shopper Marketing, ecommerce, profitero

Category Retailer Insights Report: Biscuits in Ocado

Posted by Paul on Aug 7, 2023 5:04:50 PM

This is a summary of the work we have done using hybrid AI/Human analysis of shopper reviews of the sweet biscuit category in Ocado. This analysis uses AI to understand what is new and different across huge volumes of text while the experienced human sifts the output looking for category relevance and actionability.


  • Ocado has 875k (11.4%) of the 7.7m reviews across all categories in the Top 6 online grocery retailers*.

  • The Category has 4k (1%) of the 421k reviews across all brands in Ocado over 2021-23. 

  • 85 Biscuit brands have reviews on Ocado with an average of 47.8 reviews per brand

  • There is a big opportunity for all brands to improve their review presence in Ocado by getting at least 30 reviews per SKU and the important area to shoppers of the most recent 3 reviews.

  • Looking at individual SKUs in the category (see the Appendix for the full category list) 277 of the 308 listed need new reviews to optimise their sales online and in-store (see “How to get more reviews” below).

*Reports are available for the Top 6 grocery retailers (Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Ocado and Waitrose plus Boots and Superdrug)

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Topics: Grocery, Rating and Reviews, Shopper Research, Ocado, Insights

Consumer insights into Coffee brands from Morrisons reviews

Posted by Paul on Jul 11, 2023 6:20:52 AM

At CheckoutSmart, we are passionate about consumer product reviews. We not only provide up-to-date reviews for brands nationwide, but we also take the time to analyse and learn from them. Reviews offer valuable insights from shoppers, giving us a glimpse into the latest trends and category-specific information. With over half a million reviews from the top 6 supermarkets in the UK alone at our disposal, we have a wealth of information to explore.

Whether it is the latest trends, such as we bring alive in our Moaning March post or category specific insights from the Haircare category, there is always plenty to hear and learn. As we have all the up to date reviews for the Top 6 supermarkets in the UK in our database (over half a million) we have plenty to delve into.

We also use the review data to run our Always On SmartReputation solution, delivering reviews with precision where they are needed by SKU and retailer. This ensures that our clients can have complete confidence in the freshness and impact of the reviews on their brands, alleviating any concerns they may have. This frees up resource to get on with more added value activity as well as reducing the anxiety of surprises when someone in the team spots a series of poor reviews on one of your key packs.

In this blog post, we will be delving into the fascinating world of coffee reviews in Morrisons. Morrisons stands out as an intriguing space for reviews, as they do not participate in syndication like some other retailers. This means that not all products have a significant number of reviews for analysis, potentially causing them to be overlooked. However, in the coffee category alone, we have gathered over 100 reviews for each brand we are examining from the past 2 years. This wealth of reviews provides us with a solid foundation for uncovering valuable insights.

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Topics: Grocery, Rating and Reviews, Shopper Insights, Shopper Research, Morrisons

Food & Drink Trends & Innovations event write up

Posted by Paul on Jun 15, 2023 7:53:58 AM

The event held in London was an intimate and relaxed gathering, featuring a knowledgeable group of industry experts who weren't there to push products, but rather, to share their thoughts and ideas. The audience consisted of a diverse mix of food and beverage manufacturers, food service providers and operators, and a handful of retailers, contributing to a well-rounded and informative day filled with lively conversations and shared insights.

Rather than rehashing the entire agenda, my intention is to provide a condensed summary of the relevant topics, with a focus on novel and significant areas. However, summarising is not an exact science, so my apologies if I missed any insightful comments made by presenters.

The Food industry challenges

My overall summary of the themes for the day:

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Topics: Grocery, marketing, Shopper Insights, Shopper Research

Health and Beauty reviews insights

Posted by Paul on Jun 12, 2023 7:30:00 AM

You can learn a lot from spiders

ML Measures for reviews insight

We believe that there is lots more to understand about ratings and reviews than just "How many do I have?" and "What's my average rating"?

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Topics: Grocery, Rating and Reviews, Shopper Insights, Shopper Research

Digital Shopper Marketing


CheckoutSmart is a leading digital shopper marketing agency delivering fast, flexible campaigns against all your goals in any retailer or just one:

  • Actively manage your shopper reputation in all online retailers
  • Create instant shopper action in any retailer, on any sku in the way you want
  • Start a genuine dialogue with shoppers about your products
  • Launch more successful NPD faster and use immediate feedback to improve your mix
  • Excite shoppers with easy to execute, effective virtual on-pack activities
  • Upgrade your understanding of the retail execution within all retailers
  • UK, Europe, US and beyond

Talk to us here: CONTACT US